School defibrillator rollout after dad’s campaign

School defibrillator rollout after dad’s campaign

In 2011, 12-year-old Oliver died when his heart stopped during a school swimming lesson. He had an undiagnosed heart condition. His father Mark King started the Oliver King Foundation and campaigned for all schools in England to have defibrillators. With help from some of Oliver’s school friends and former footballer Jamie Carragher, Mr King’s mission … Read more

Kaylea Titford: Dad’s neglect led to obese daughter’s death – court

Kaylea Titford: Dad’s neglect led to obese daughter’s death – court

Ms Rees added: “The prosecution say that the scene – as witnessed by those that attended – together with the state in which Kaylea’s body was found demonstrate clearly that this vulnerable girl, who relied heavily on others for her welfare needs, was seriously neglected by not just one but both of her parents, who … Read more

I thought Dad’s pig heart transplant was delirium

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A US man, who has become the first person in the world to receive a heart transplant from a genetically-modified pig, is “doing extremely well” after the procedure, according to his son. David Bennett, 57, underwent the experimental seven-hour procedure as a “last choice”, ​after being deemed ineligible for a human transplant. Speaking outside the … Read more

Postnatal depression in dads: ‘I didn’t know men could struggle too’

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Becoming a father can be the happiest time in a man’s life, but for some it can bring unexpected feelings of anxiety, stress and guilt. Until recently, mental health concerns for new dads were little understood and, often, went unaired. But some men who have experienced postnatal depression hope telling their stories will encourage others … Read more

Postpartum Depression Affects Dads, Too

July 6, 2021 — Postpartum depression isn’t just something new mothers can get. Turns out it can affect new fathers, too, according to a new study. Michael W., a 38-year-old New Jersey-based attorney, and his wife had been excitedly planning for the birth of their baby and were overjoyed when she was born. … Read more

Rugby star Tindall on dad’s Parkinson’s disease


Former England rugby star Mike Tindall has told BBC Breakfast he regretted not pushing his dad more when he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. “I didn’t really understand the process of how it deteriorated and how it could end up at that point”, he said. Read more: Queen mourned husband Philip with bravery – Tindall … Read more