Australia news live: health officials say hotel quarantine ‘fit for purpose’; Port Arthur massacre commemorated


12.15am BST00:15 Melissa Davey The World Health Organisation issued its latest epidemiological update overnight, and it makes for concerning reading. It says that globally, new Covid-19 cases increased for the ninth consecutive week, with nearly 5.7 million new cases reported in the last week – surpassing previous peaks. The number of new deaths increased for … Read more

Australia news live: Morrison government considers aid to India for Covid crisis and reduced flights


We have to acknowledge the hotels have been successful, but we’re now over a year into the pandemic and it looks like there’s gonna be at least another year before we’re not going to be needing these facilities anymore. So, we can expect more breaches, even with the best systems that we can design, and, … Read more

Australia news live: WA Covid lockdown enters day three; Brittany Higgins to meet Morrison and Albanese


Good morning, it’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life and I hope you are feeling good! Matilda Boseley here and before we jump into the morning of news, why don’t I get you up to speed on the situation in Western Australia. At the moment it’s all a bit of … Read more