Cyber harassment allegations impact opposing campaigns in Vadakara Lok Sabha constituency

Cyber harassment allegations impact opposing campaigns in Vadakara Lok Sabha constituency

K.K. Shailaja, the LDF candidate in the Vadakara Lok Sabha constituency, campaigning at Uralloor on Wedensday. | Photo Credit: THULASI KAKKAT A row over the misuse of cyberspace for denigrating candidates appeared to monopolise the Lok Sabha campaign narrative in Kerala on Wednesday. Online slander spreads like invasive digital weeds, dehumanising candidates and blurring their … Read more

India dismisses allegations of abusive conditions at shrimp farms

India dismisses allegations of abusive conditions at shrimp farms

India has emerged as one of the world’s largest shrimp exporters. | Photo Credit: AP India, now the biggest supplier of America’s favourite seafood — shrimps — has strongly refuted allegations of human rights and environmental abuses raised by a Chicago-based human rights group, and top Commerce Ministry officials will meet seafood exporters on Thursday … Read more

NewsClick rejects allegations levelled in FIR against it as untenable, bogus

NewsClick rejects allegations levelled in FIR against it as untenable, bogus

File pictureo of security officers standing guard outside the office of NewsClick in New Delhi | Photo Credit: AP The NewsClick portal has rejected as untenable and bogus allegations levelled in a Delhi Police FIR against it, and said the proceedings initiated are “nothing but a blatant attempt to muzzle the free and independent press … Read more

Surveillance of Indian diplomats in Canada led to allegations around Sikh killing, official says

Surveillance of Indian diplomats in Canada led to allegations around Sikh killing, official says

The allegation of India’s involvement in the killing of a Sikh Canadian is based on surveillance of Indian diplomats in Canada, including intelligence provided by a major ally, a Canadian official familiar with the matter told The Associated Press on September 21. The official said the communications involved Indian officials and Indian diplomats in Canada … Read more

Tangedco notice proves BJP’s allegations on ETPS contract, says Annamalai

Tangedco notice proves BJP’s allegations on ETPS contract, says Annamalai

BJP Tamil Nadu president K. Annamalai on Saturday said his party’s allegations of irregularities in awarding contract of the Ennore Thermal Power Station (ETPS) expansion project to BGR Energy Systems Limited (BGRESL) have been vindicated by the showcause notice issued by Tangedco to the contractor over an inordinate delay. In the notice issued in June, … Read more

Cultural Affairs Minister dismisses allegations against Ranjith

Cultural Affairs  Minister dismisses allegations against Ranjith

Minister for Cultural Affairs Saji Cherian has dismissed the allegations of attempting to influence the State film award jury levelled by filmmaker Vinayan against Kerala State Chalachitra Academy Chairman and filmmaker Ranjith. Speaking to mediapersons on Tuesday, the Minister said there was no way he could have intervened in the decision-making of a jury, who … Read more

J&K woman faces allegations of marrying over a dozen men, decamping with ‘mehr’ money, gold

J&K woman faces allegations of marrying over a dozen men, decamping with ‘mehr’ money, gold

These three men claimed to have married the same woman since 2022 | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement In the past 24 hours, over half-a-dozen men have held street demonstrations in Srinagar against a woman from the Pir Panjal valley’s Rajouri district, whom they accuse of marrying multiple men for a couple of months and later … Read more

CM slapping false cases against Congress leaders to escape from corruption allegations, says Satheesan

CM slapping false cases against Congress leaders to escape from corruption allegations, says Satheesan

V.D. Satheesan, Leader of the Opposition, has accused Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan of trying to silence Congress leaders by slapping false cases against them to escape from the corruption allegations levelled against him. He told the media on Wednesday that the case against K. Sudhakaran, Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee president, was an example. The complainant … Read more

NCPCR team to visit Chidambaram next week, following T.N. Governor’s allegations about forced virginity tests

NCPCR team to visit Chidambaram next week, following T.N. Governor’s allegations about forced virginity tests

A team from the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) will visit Chidambaram on May 24, in connection with Tamil Nadu Governor R. N. Ravi’s allegation of forced virginity tests (two-finger tests) being performed on girls, who were believed to be victims of child marriage. NCPCR member R.G. Anand announced this in a … Read more

 Trinamool feels the heat as allegations of corruption in PMAY surface

 Trinamool feels the heat as allegations of corruption in PMAY surface

A Trinamool Congress activist rides his bike with the party flags. File image for representation. | Photo Credit: PTI The Trinamool Congress is feeling the heat of allegations of corruption in the selection of the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) beneficiaries in West Bengal. On Saturday, more than a dozen functionaries of a panchayat samity in Murshidabad … Read more