Cyber harassment allegations impact opposing campaigns in Vadakara Lok Sabha constituency

K.K. Shailaja, the LDF candidate in the Vadakara Lok Sabha constituency, campaigning at Uralloor on Wedensday.
| Photo Credit: THULASI KAKKAT

A row over the misuse of cyberspace for denigrating candidates appeared to monopolise the Lok Sabha campaign narrative in Kerala on Wednesday.

Online slander spreads like invasive digital weeds, dehumanising candidates and blurring their political messaging, as the former Health Minister and Left Democratic Front candidate in the Vadakara Lok Sabha constituency, K.K. Shailaja, learnt to her dismay recently.

Ms. Shailaja is in a high-stakes battle with Congress legislator Shafi Parambil in the key parliamentary segment.

A spirited row erupted on Tuesday when Ms. Shailaja accused the UDF camp of disseminating morphed images spliced with obscene content to degrade her. “I have never felt so hurt. I appeal to good minds in the UDF to restrain the slanderers,” she said.

Ms. Shailaja’s impassioned plea went viral on social media, prompting the CPI(M) to weaponise the clipping to turn the tables on the UDF campaign in Vadakara.

CPI(M) State secretary M.V. Govindan claimed in Alappuzha that Ms. Shailaja’s “victimisation at the hands of the UDF” had hardened the electorate against Mr. Parambil.

Ms. Shailaja also seemed to find some sympathy from the Revolutionary Marxist Party (RMP) leader and Congress ally, K.K. Rema, MLA, and Congress legislator, Uma Thomas, with specific riders. Both condemned the cyberattack but distanced Mr. Parambil from the smear campaign.

Meanwhile, the UDF scrambled to save its campaign from the CPI(M) attempt to stir outrage against Mr. Parambil.

Leader of the Opposition V.D. Satheesan accused Ms. Shailaja of exploding a “lie bomb” to play the victim in front of voters in Vadakara. He said Ms. Shailaja had donned the role of an injured party to save her flailing campaign.

“Ms. Shailaja wanted to divert public attention from the tough questions she faced on the campaign trail, including corruption in the purchase of COVID-19 kits and also obfuscating pandemic causality figures to claim false credit for mitigating the outbreak. So, she has resorted to political theatre. The UDF has no troll farms or cyberbullies like the CPI(M). Moreover, Ms. Shailaja has turned a blind eye to CPI(M) cyberattacks against Congress leaders, especially women,” he said.

The State Police and the Election Commission of India have taken cognisance of Ms Shailaja’s complaint.

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