Accelerating efforts to tackle T2DM with technology – ET HealthWorld

accelerating efforts to tackle t2dm with technology

By Prashant Parmar India is currently home to over 77 million diabetics, a number which is expected to almost double by 2045. The prevalence of diabetes in younger population seems to be rising due to factors like lack of physical activity, unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits and a positive family history. With only one-third of … Read more

Accelerating digitization in the health and life science sector in the right way – ET HealthWorld

accelerating digitization in the health and life science sector in the right way

by Gaurav Aggarwal The healthcare organizations are ramping up their digital activities, however, the efforts remain disconnected and disparate, misguided, and misplaced. The leaders/management must focus on how to derive new value using data as an asset to drive transformation and optimization for more effectiveness. The dynamics of the healthcare ecosystem are witnessing a robust … Read more