World Heart Day 2020: 5 supplements for your healthy heart

Whenever people get diagnosed with heart or cholesterol issues, the first thing they get in mind is that they have to stop intake of fat in their diet.

By Namit Tyagi

The biggest thing you can do to keep your heart well is to live an active lifestyle. And if coupled with healthy eating and optimum supplementation then it could give your heart long-term thriving wellness. But, often while following these habits some people experience enhancement while others just get disappointed.

Why is this so?

Because most of us know about healthy eating for a healthy heart, but we do not know how exactly to implement it. We get overwhelmed by the supplements available in the market and get so confused that we are not able to find the perfect one which is suitable for our heart.

So, what supplements should we use for a healthy heart?

Thinking is important before buying….

  • Omega-3- an essential assistant: Whenever people get diagnosed with heart or cholesterol issues, the first thing they get in mind is that they have to stop intake of fat in their diet. No, this is not true. Instead of reducing fat in your diet, reduce sugar & just incorporate good fat (unsaturated fats) like; Omega-3 fatty acids, which help increase the body’s HDL (good cholesterol) levels and lower LDL (bad cholesterol) levels & is not produced by the body. Due to the restricted sources in the diet, such as; fatty fish, plant sources- flax seeds, it is somehow difficult to take omega-3. Therefore, you can go with a good strength omega-3 fish oil that could help you reduce inflammation in the body and lowers the risk of heart disorders in later life.
  •  Vitamin & minerals & Coenzyme- Q10 (Co Q10) – As shown by some researches, vitamin & minerals can be useful to lower the risk of heart diseases if taken in a proper way or via supplementing the body with a multivitamin. Proper supplementation has been shown to aid in heart health like managing high blood pressure and plaque in arteries.

Co-Q10 is like a vitamin, responsible for energy production, cell growth & maintenance and works as an antioxidant that fights damage from free-radicals. It helps the body enzymes to protect heart muscles and helps in speedy recovery of the body due to the heavy heart medications & intense exercises.

  • Fibre- The best way to manage your cholesterol levels and blood pressure is to incorporate a good amount of fibre through whole grains, vegetables & fruits into your daily diet, if not possible then you can go for fibre supplements like; chia seeds and flax seeds. Ensure to stay hydrated while using fibre supplements.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar- According to studies Apple Cider Vinegar can be helpful to reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body. It can help manage blood pressure levels as well. Apple Cider Vinegar makes an easy and convenient choice to include in your diet if you are more concerned about your heart health.
  • Green Tea & Green Coffee- Most people like to enjoy green tea or green coffee, which works as a healthy beverage option as well as a good choice for cholesterol management. Studies recommend that chlorogenic acid and catechins are a rich source of antioxidants that help protect your heart. But, it is recommended that people with blood pressure issues should consult with the physician before opting for green tea or green coffee as their caffeine intake should be in a normal range.

If you are diagnosed with any cardiovascular issues, then it is always safe to consult with the physician or dietitian before opting for any supplement. Also, checking the purity & safety measures of a supplement gives you an overall satisfaction of mind.

“Prevention is better than cure”

(The author is Co-Founder & Head Nutritionist, Neuherbs & Neusafe India. The above article is for information purposes only, Please consult medical professional/s before starting any therapy, treatment or supplement. Views expressed are personal.)

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