Drugmakers Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline on Thursday said that they are going to begin human trials for their jointly developed potential Covid-19 vaccine candidate. The announcement was made by the pharma companies after they got positive results during the preclinical stage trials of the vaccine candidate, news agency Associated Press reported. As part of the vaccine’s first phase human trial stage, the drugmakers are looking forward to administering the vaccine among 440 adults spread across eleven trial sites in the United States of America.
With the first stage trials of the vaccine expected to start soon, the company is expecting the result of its first stage human trials by the first week of December. The drugmakers were also quoted as saying that soon after they get affirmative results in their first stage human trials, they would roll out large scale human trials of the vaccine candidate in the month of December itself. While it would be too early to predict the final timeline of the vaccine, the producers provided a rough estimate and said subject to positive results at each stage of the human trials, the vaccine candidate would seek the regulator’s approval for mass-scale production by early next year.
The two pharma companies had collaborated with the government of the United States to produce up to 100 million doses of the vaccine with the U.S government promising to buy another batch of 500 million vaccine doses in successive months. The government of the United Kingdom has also struck a deal with the pharma companies to buy up to 60 million doses of the vaccine for its population. The governments in the developed world, including the US administration and some European countries, have struck partnerships with multiple vaccine makers to fund their vaccine development programmes, including the expenses of large scale human trials. Even before the efficacy of the vaccines has been tested, the rich countries have struck deals with these companies to deliver the first batch of vaccine doses for their population.
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