Coronavirus Omicron India Live Updates: India reports 7,350 new Covid-19 cases, 202 deaths; Active cases decline to 91,456, lowest in 561 days

Cases of Omicron, which is categorised as a ‘variant of concern’ by the World Health Organisation, have been detected in over 60 countries so far. (Picture: Reuters)

Coronavirus Vaccine Registration, Coronavirus Omicron Variant Cases in India December 13 Live Updates: Just as India seemed to be recovering from the Coronavirus pandemic, the Omicron ‘Variant of Concern’ has triggered the threat of a third wave again. On Sunday, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, and Chandigarh reported their first cases of Omicron variant, taking India’s total cases of the new variant to 38. The states of Maharashtra and Karnataka also reported one more case each on Sunday. Now, a total of six states – Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala – and two Union Territories – Delhi and Chandigarh – have reported cases of Omicron variant of Coronavirus in India.

Meanwhile, India reported 7,350 fresh Coronavirus infections in the last 24 hours, taking its overall tally of Covid-19 cases to 3,46,97,860, while the number of active cases declined to 91,456, the lowest in 561 days, according to data from the Union Health Ministry on Monday. With 202 new fatalities, the Covid-19 death toll surged to 4,75,636, the Health Ministry said. The single-day surge in new coronavirus infections has remained below 15,000 for the last 46 days now.

ALSO READ — Will India roll out booster jabs to combat Omicron threat?

However, now that the year-end festivities of Christmas and New Year are around the corner, the states might decide to impose restrictions so that mass gatherings do not lead to a spread in the number of cases. Over the past week, many states have already revised their guidelines for incoming passengers, just like India has done for international arrivals, and it is not too far-fetched to think that restrictions, either at the state level or at the Centre level, might be following. But if the past is anything to go by, the Centre is likely to leave this decision to states, which have not taken any major steps to curb public celebration of festivities during the pandemic in the past. For instance, Kerala had not curtailed public celebrations during Onam, leading to a heavy spike in the number of cases in the state shortly thereafter.

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