Coronavirus Omicron India Feb 26 Live: Third wave recedes in India – Odisha records lowest daily Covid cases in 2022

Coronavirus Omicron Cases and Deaths in India Live, Covid-19 Omicron Latest Updates, Covid-19 curbs Feb 26 Live: India registers 11,499 cases; Centre urges states and UTs to consider easing curbs

Financial Express brings you the latest and verified Covid updates from India and around the globe. Check out here: India on Saturday reported 11,499 fresh Covid-19 cases in another day of decline in the active caseload as the country moves to completely reopen following a months-long disruption caused by the Omicron variant.

The country recorded 255 fatalities, while the total active caseload fell to 121,881 or 0.28% of total infections. With the third wave subsiding, India’s positivity rate has also fallen to 1.01%, while the national recovery rate rose to 98.52%, according to the latest Union Health Ministry bulletin.

The Centre has already asked states and Union Territories to consider lifting pandemic-related curbs, with the Delhi Disaster Management Authority already announcing a complete easing of curbs, including the reopening of schools for physical classes, from April.

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14:44 (IST) 26 Feb 2022

Coronavirus Omicron Live Tracker: Odisha records lowest daily Covid cases in 2022

Odisha on Saturday recorded the lowest daily coronavirus cases this year as 293 people tested positive, pushing the tally to 12,84,616, the Health department said. The COVID-19 death toll rose to 9,056 as four more persons succumbed to the disease. The deaths were reported from Sambalpur district, Jharsuguda, Bargarh and Deogarh district, it said. – PTI

13:53 (IST) 26 Feb 2022

Coronavirus Omicron Live Tracker: S. Korea has deadliest day of pandemic amid omicron surge

South Korea saw its deadliest day of the pandemic on Saturday, reporting 112 fatalities in the latest 24-hour period, as it grapples with a wave of coronavirus infections driven by the fast-moving omicron variant. Health workers diagnosed 166,209 new cases, which came close to Wednesday’s one-day record of 171,451 and represented more than a 37-fold increase from daily levels in mid-January, when omicron first emerged as the country’s dominant strain. AP

12:21 (IST) 26 Feb 2022

Coronavirus Omicron Live Tracker: Ladakh records 24 new COVID-19 cases

Ladakh on Saturday reported 24 new COVID-19 cases, taking the union territory’s infection tally to 27,971, while 42 recoveries brought down the count of active cases to 230, officials said. The death toll due to the disease remained unchanged at 228 and 168 in Leh and 60 in Kargil. – PTI

Coronavirus India Live News: Covid-19 Omicron Cases in India Live Count, Coronavirus Guidelines and Restrictions Live Updates

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