Coronavirus Live Updates: Has third wave begun in India?

Despite severe shortage, India managed to achieve its vaccination target for the month of July. Now big question remains – when will India achieve 1 crore daily Covid jabs? (Reuters photo)

Coronavirus Third Wave India Live Update, Coronavirus Statistics India Live News August 4 live updates : Has our worst fear come true? Is India witnessing the beginning of the third wave of coronavirus pandemic in India? Early reactions from several health experts say yes, it is the third wave indeed! If we look at cumulative numbers, Kerala has seen the sharpest surge in the last couple of weeks. There was a nearly 30 per cent increase in weekly numbers. In other Southern states such as Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, Covid numbers have seen a slight uptick. While we are faring better in terms of daily corona vaccination, a lot needs to be done to achieve the year-end targets. Here are the latest updates from India and around the globe:

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