Raisina Dialogue will focus on six pillars, including Indo-Pacific and high tech

This year’s Raisina Dialogue, India’s premier multilateral foreign policy and geo-economics conference, will focus on six pillars covering a range of contemporary issues from democracy to technology to global health to the Indo-Pacific region.

The seventh edition of the conference, hosted by the external affairs ministry in collaboration with the Observer Research Foundation, will be inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday. President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, will join the inaugural session of the three-day conference as chief guest.

The participants will include former PM of Sweden Carl Bildt, former Canadian PM Stephen Harper, former President of Maldives Mohamed Nasheed and former Australian PM Anthony Abbott. The president of the United Nations General Assembly, Abdulla Shahid, will deliver a pre-recorded address. Foreign ministers of Argentina, Armenia, Australia (online) Guyana, Nigeria, Norway, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Netherlands, Philippines, Poland, Portugal and Slovenia will also participate in the event, said officials.

The conference will have more than 100 sessions with over 210 speakers from more than 90 countries and multilateral organisations.

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