How to merge cells in Excel

Richard Drury via Getty Images

Merging cells is an easy way to format your Excel spreadsheets, and you can do it vertically and horizontally. 

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For example, a merged cell at the top of a table can work as a header or it can delineate a category. Merging will group the cells, so they work as an individual cell.

How to merge cells in Excel

Keep in mind that the information in the first cell to be selected is the data that will go on the combined cell, so the contents of any other selected cell will be deleted once you merge cells. 

Select the cells you want to merge

The first cell you select should contain the information you want on your merged cell.

Screenshot by Maria Diaz/ZDNET

Once you click on Merge & Center, the cells will be merged into one, occupying the real estate of the other cells you selected. This process can be done in columns vertically by repeating the same process.

click on Merge & Center

Screenshot by Maria Diaz/ZDNET


How do I unmerge cells?

Click on the merged cell to select it, and go to the same Merge & Center button. 

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Clicking this button will separate the merged cells automatically, though a dropdown menu to the right will give you the option to Unmerge Cells.

How can I combine full columns or rows?

You can merge columns or rows by selecting them and clicking Merge & Center in the Home tab on Excel.

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