Nobody likes to file income taxes, but everyone loves a tax refund. A good way to ensure you get the largest tax refund possible is to file your tax return early using high-quality tax preparation software. TurboxTax by Intuit earned the top spot on our list of best tax software this year, and it’s offering a significant discount for early tax filers.
Right now, you can save up to 20% on TurboTax 2023, making it more affordable to file with confidence and maximize your returns. This offer is only available until Feb. 15, so we recommend filing sooner rather than later to take advantage of this discount.
While TurboTax does have a free option available for filers with Form 1040 and limited tax credits only (around 37% of taxpayers qualify), you’ll need to opt for the paid version if things are a little more complicated. That’s where the costs can add up — and where this deal can come in handy. Right now, you’ll save an additional 20% on the paid software when you file. For example, self-filing with TurboTax 2023 often costs as much as $129 to file, but right now the maximum to file is just $71.20.
This discount applies to TurboTax federal products only, which means if you choose to also file state taxes at the same time, you’ll incur an extra charge. Also note that TurboTax Verified Pros are excluded from this offer and prices are determined at the time of print or e-file, so be sure to verify the price at that time, as we don’t expect this offer to last long.
If you want to check out other options, be sure to peruse our roundup of the best tax software deals currently available.
Read more: TurboTax Can’t Call Its Services Free Anymore, Unless They’re Free to All