Facing My Smoking Triggers

Facing My Smoking Triggers

After 15 years of smoking, Adrian Diaz Bulibasa decided it was time to quit. “I wanted to have a baby and I didn’t want the health of my future baby to be affected by my choices,” he says. But quitting was hard. Bulibasa, who lives in London and is the editor-in-chief of the website bestformyfeet.com, … Read more

Get Past Your Fears About Quitting Smoking

Get Past Your Fears About Quitting Smoking

You’d love to stop smoking. The health reasons are a mile long and your body is (between coughs) telling you that it’s time. But you have fears about quitting smoking. Will you gain weight? How can you manage stress and cravings? Will you lose your smoking buddies? Don’t let such worries keep you from quitting. … Read more