Anger at China’s zero-Covid policy is rising, but Beijing refuses to change course | CNN

Anger at China’s zero-Covid policy is rising, but Beijing refuses to change course | CNN

CNN  —  A young woman stands on her balcony, crying out in desperation after her building was ordered into lockdown. Fighting back tears, she shouts abuse at the hazmat-suited workers below in a video that has recently gone viral on social media platform Weibo and which appears to encapsulate the Chinese public’s growing frustration with … Read more

Other Viruses Offer Hints Toward the Mystery of Long COVID

Other Viruses Offer Hints Toward the Mystery of Long COVID

Aug. 18, 2022 – Researchers are chasing a range of potential culprits in the race to find the causes of long COVID. Some things they agree on: There will be a number of different causes, and the symptoms will vary wildly from case to case. The two leading theories: The persistence of the coronavirus that … Read more

Immunity check: An expert dispels all myths connected with immunity and immunity boosters

Immunity check: An expert dispels all myths connected with immunity and immunity boosters

According to many studies, it is proven that genetics plays an important role in immune response and has evolved to reject some pathogens and cancers too. By Dr Kajal Pandya Yeptho We have been inundated with immunity boosting pills, supplements and foods these past few years. What part do these play in actually boosting immunity and … Read more

Rivers of Resistance: AMR, a silent pandemic in the making

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This threat of AMR has just become larger and more complex with the indiscriminate use of antibiotics during the Covid-19 pandemic. (Representative image) By Dr. Suman KapurWhy do we tolerate poisoning of our rivers by human waste and industrial toxins? asks British Journalist Victor Mallet to all Indians, in his book ‘River of Life, River … Read more

Viruses May Jump from Bats to People More Often Than Realized

Sept. 21, 2021 — When humans and other species intermingle and viruses move between them, experts call that “spillover.” As humans move and seek new living spaces where wild animals live, and climate change shifts the boundaries of those habitats, scientists predict we will see more of these spillovers. Coronaviruses, which are common … Read more

Will Big Drop in Common Viruses Lead to Masks Forever?

Isolating when feeling bad could be kept up after the pandemic. But the isolation, the distance and the masks are not working for many kids, Vehec said. Children with speech trouble aren’t seeing their teacher’s mouth to learn how to speak correctly, for instance. “I think it has been a necessary evil because … Read more

Backyard Chicken Coops Can Pose Viral Threat

By Robert PreidtHealthDay Reporter FRIDAY, March 12, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Raising chickens in your backyard — a popular trend during the COVID-19 pandemic — holds risks that can come home to roost in an unwelcome way. It’s already well known that poultry can spread the salmonella bacteria to human handlers. But chickens cooped up … Read more