Rising confidence to travel again! Jaipur, Goa, Kochi most popular destinations: OYO’s latest data

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Now, here’s a quirky fun fact: Around 27% of bookings were made by solo travellers who opted to celebrate Valentine’s Day at OYO’s across India. [Image credit: Rajasthan Tourism on Twitter] Revenge travel drives Valentine’s Day travel trend! This month’s Valentine’s Day weekend shows that Indian travellers are now showing renewed confidence to travel again! … Read more

Valentine’s Day: Goa tops travel trends in Feb! Increase in advance bookings, new curated menus and premium stays


The month of celebrating love, as February is known for, comes with exciting travel and hospitality offers for those who are looking for the perfect, dream-like getaway from daily routine. Goa tops travel trends in February 2021! The latest travel trends indicate that Indian travellers are in love with Goa among all leisure destinations! From … Read more