Centre looks to procure 15 crore vaccine doses by August

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Paul said the number of daily new positive cases has fallen below 30,000 after 132 days and is expected to drop further. The country reported 29,689 new cases on Tuesday. The government expects to have 15 crore Covid-19 vaccine doses available by August, V K Paul, member, health, Niti Aayog, said on Tuesday, adding that … Read more

Centre’s vaccination bill nears Rs 9,725 crore, Lok Sabha told


Rs 9,725.15 crore – that is the vaccination bill for India so far. The Centre has spent Rs 8,071.09 crore to buy vaccines and remaining about Rs 1,654.06 crore on operational costs for administering the vaccines, as per details shared by the health and family welfare ministry in the Lok Sabha on Friday. Giving a … Read more

Free Covid-19 vaccines for all, Centre to foot bill

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The country’s vaccination drive can also get a significant boost, if the ongoing research on a nasal spray vaccine succeeds, he said. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday declared that the Centre will provide free Covid-19 vaccines to states for the age group of 18-44 years from June 21, spelling out clearly that all the … Read more

Covid-19: India fast tracks vaccine imports, pricing unclear

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State governments had 1.7 crore vaccine doses with them, another two crore were in the supply pipeline. The government on Tuesday moved to fast-track the import of a new lot of vaccines, including ones made by Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson, but details on the pricing and procurement of these vaccines remained unavailable. VK … Read more