Chinese official in Xinjiang slams UK genocide declaration


A spokesperson for the Xinjiang region called accusations of genocide “counter to the facts” as China came under more pressure this week over its treatment of the Uyghur ethnic group in the remote border area. The British Parliament approved a nonbinding motion Thursday that said China’s policies amounted to genocide and crimes against humanity. Human … Read more

UN experts call for unhindered access for fact finding mission in Xinjiang


UN human rights experts have raised serious concerns about the alleged detention and forced labour of Uyghurs in China, calling for unhindered access to the country to conduct fact-finding missions and urging global and domestic companies to closely scrutinize their supply chains. Several experts appointed by the Human Rights Council said they had received information … Read more

Armenia- Azerbaijan conflict: Erdogan’s expansionism and Pakistan’s jihadism


NEW DELHI: Usanas Foundation (one of India’s emerging think tank on security related matters) recently hosted a webinar on Armenia- Azerbaijan conflict and the role of Turkey and Pakistan in provoking warfare in Caucasus. The panel comprised Anil Trigunayat, Former Indian Envoy to Libya, Malta and Jordan, Abdullah Bozkurt, Sweden based Investigative Journalist, Turkey expert … Read more