U.S. Navy says guided-missile destroyer conducted navigational rights mission in South China Sea

U.S. Navy says guided-missile destroyer conducted navigational rights mission in South China Sea

The United States Navy on April 10, 2023, said its USS guided-missile destroyer Milius conducted a navigational rights mission in the South China Sea. Image for representational purpose only. | Photo Credit: Reuters The United States Navy said its USS guided-missile destroyer Milius asserted a navigational rights and freedoms mission in the South China Sea … Read more

US transfers alleged al Qaeda bomb maker from Guantanamo Bay to Saudi Arabia | CNN Politics

US transfers alleged al Qaeda bomb maker from Guantanamo Bay to Saudi Arabia | CNN Politics

CNN  —  The US transferred an alleged al Qaeda bomb maker from Guantanamo Bay to Saudi Arabia, the Defense Department announced Wednesday, part of the Biden administration’s ongoing efforts to close the prison facility. Ghassan Al Sharbi, a 48-year-old Saudi native who has been held in detention at Guantanamo Bay for 20 years, was sent … Read more

Former Guantanamo detainee Saifullah Paracha repatriated to Pakistan | CNN Politics

Former Guantanamo detainee Saifullah Paracha repatriated to Pakistan | CNN Politics

CNN  —  Saifullah Paracha, a former detainee at the Guatanamo Bay detention facility, has been repatriated to Pakistan, according to a statement from the Department of Defense. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin previously notified Congress in September of his intent to repatriate Paracha, who had been held in US detention since 2003 for alleged ties to … Read more

Chinese military holds amphibious landing drill close to Taiwan after US Senators visit


The Chinese military has conducted an amphibious landing exercise in waters near Taiwan, days after a delegation of the US senators visited the estranged island in a military plane as a show of support. According to a statement by the Eastern Theatre Command of the People’s Liberation Army, its 72nd Group Army carried out naval … Read more

US Navy fires warning shots in new tense encounter with Iran


An American warship fired warning shots when vessels of Iran‘s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard came too close to a patrol in the Persian Gulf, the US Navy said Wednesday. The Navy released black-and-white footage of the encounter Monday night in international waters of the northern reaches of the Persian Gulf. In it, lights can be seen … Read more

Iran, US warships in first tense Mideast encounter in a year


American and Iranian warships had a tense encounter in the Persian Gulf earlier this month, the first such incident in about a year amid wider turmoil in the region over Tehran’s tattered nuclear deal, the U.S. Navy said Tuesday. Footage released by the Navy showed a ship commanded by Iran‘s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard cut in … Read more

China says United States undermining stability after US warship sails through Taiwan Strait


The Chinese military criticised the United States on Thursday for undermining regional peace and stability after a U.S. Navy warship sailed through the Taiwan Strait a day earlier. A spokesman for the People’s Liberation Army’s Eastern Theater Command said in a statement the Chinese military tracked the USS Curtis Wilbur as the destroyer made what … Read more

United States Navy official says ‘uneasy deterrence’ reached with Iran


DUBAI: The top U.S. Navy official in the Mideast said Sunday America has reached an “uneasy deterrence” with Iran after months of regional attacks and seizures at sea, even as tensions remain high between Washington and Tehran over the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program. Vice Adm. Sam Paparo, who oversees the Navy’s 5th Fleet based in … Read more

US Navy welcomes 1st Black female Tactical Aircraft pilot


KINGSVILLE: The U.S. Navy has welcomed its first Black female Tactical Aircraft pilot. “MAKING HISTORY!” the U.S. Navy tweeted Thursday in response to a post that Lt. j.g. Madeline Swegle had completed naval flight school and would later this month receive the flight officer insignia known as the “Wings of Gold.” The Naval Air Training … Read more