Opposition is making unwarranted hue and cry over paddy bonus, says Kisan Congress chairman  

Opposition is making unwarranted hue and cry over paddy bonus, says Kisan Congress chairman  

Kisan Congress Anvesh Reddy wants the government to do justice to farmers who cultivate the normal variety of rice. File  | Photo Credit: NAGARA GOPAL Chairman of the Kisan Congress Anvesh Reddy has criticised the opposition parties for their remarks on the government’s decision to offer ₹500 bonus per quintal only for the fine variety … Read more

YSRCP accusing CBI in Viveka murder case is unwarranted, says BJP

YSRCP accusing CBI in Viveka murder case is unwarranted, says BJP

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has taken exception to the YSR Congress Party (YSRCP) accusing and attributing motives to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in the ongoing probe into the murder of former MP Y.S. Vivekananda Reddy. The party’s state co in-charge Sunil Deodhar, speaking to the media on Wednesday, said that the CBI probe … Read more