The women of ASHA: overworked, underpaid and on the edge of breakdown

The women of ASHA: overworked, underpaid and on the edge of breakdown

There’s a saying in the Chhattisgarhi dialect. Sukh mein sab hain, dukh mein Mitanin. Everyone is there in times of joy, but in sorrow, there are only Mitanins. The word translates to ‘friends’. A friendship, between women, one with the promise of compassion. In 2002, Mitanins also came to symbolise care, when the newly-formed State … Read more

Australian mining giant BHP says it underpaid workers for 13 years

Australian mining giant BHP says it underpaid workers for 13 years

Australian mining giant, BHP has admitted that it underpaid its former and current workers for 13 years. According to a report of BBC, an internal review conducted by company revealed that around 28,500 employees received less holiday than they were entitled to, while 400 workers did not get additional allowances “due to an error with … Read more

Poll Finds Most Americans Believe Nurses Are Underpaid

Aug. 11, 2021 — Large majorities of both Democrats and Republicans believe that nurses and health care aides are underpaid, while many Americans say doctors, physical therapists, and pharmacists are paid about the right amount, according to a new poll. The bipartisan agreement on health care workers’ pay stands in contrast to the sharp … Read more