Fatigued or Full Throttle: Is Your Thyroid to Blame?

Fatigued or Full Throttle: Is Your Thyroid to Blame?

Feeling all revved up, even at bedtime? Or maybe your throttle’s on idle with symptoms of depression, fatigue, and weight gain. In both cases, the root cause may be your thyroid. The thyroid — a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your neck — makes hormones that control the way your body uses … Read more

Effects of COVID-19 infection on thyroid gland present for atleast a year: Study

Effects of COVID-19 infection on thyroid gland present for atleast a year: Study

The effects of COVID-19 infection on the thyroid gland can remain even after one year, according to a recent study. Researchers at the University of Milan in Italy found that severe COVID-19 disease impacts thyroid function through a variety of mechanisms.They tracked individuals with thyroid dysfunction associated with COVID-19 illness for a year in order … Read more