‘Zombie’ drug xylazine found in cannabis THC vapes in UK

‘Zombie’ drug xylazine found in cannabis THC vapes in UK

King’s College London Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience addictions head Prof Sir John Strang, who was not involved in the study, said: “We need to be constantly alert to changes in the nature of the illicit drug market, especially as these changes sometimes bring new health complications or challenges.” Source link

3 Toddlers Hospitalized After Eating Goldfish Crackers Spiked With THC

3 Toddlers Hospitalized After Eating Goldfish Crackers Spiked With THC

April 18, 2022 Three young children in Virginia were hospitalized after eating Goldfish crackers laced with THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana that makes people high. The children, all 1-year-old, were taken to the local hospital on March 2 because of their glassy, bloodshot eyes and lethargic, uncoordinated behavior, the Stafford County Sheriff’s Office said … Read more

Delta-8, AKA ‘Diet Weed’: Nicer and Kinder — or Unsafe?

Chris Habitz, owner, Your CBD Store, Burbank, CA. Sean Connors, vice president, Bison Botanics, Buffalo, NY. Federal Register: “Implementation of the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018.” Paul Armentano, deputy director, NORML and NORML Foundation. Jessica Kruger, PhD, clinical assistant professor of community health and health behavior, University at Buffalo. Daniel J. Kruger, PhD, investigator, Population … Read more

Does Marijuana Help AFib?

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Wondering if marijuana might have a soothing effect on your atrial fibrillation? Studies show that medical marijuana can help with symptoms of some conditions like multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and HIV/AIDS. But for atrial fibrillation, the effects are more of a mixed bag. A Bit of Good, More Bad “It really depends on what you use … Read more

Does CBD Oil Help With Schizophrenia?

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Editor’s note: This article was updated on 1/5/2021. Many people say CBD helps them manage health issues like pain, anxiety, sleep trouble, and PTSD. CBD is short for cannabidiol, a natural compound in cannabis (also known as marijuana) and hemp plants. It has the same chemical makeup as cannabis but doesn’t cause a high. In … Read more

Study: CBD from Marijuana Doesn’t Impair Driving

Gallup: “14% of Americans Say They Use CBD Products,” Aug. 7, 2019. Journal of the American Medical Association: “Effect of Cannabidiol and Tetrahydrocannabinol on Driving Performance.” Johannes G. Ramaekers, PhD, professor of psychopharmacology and behavioral toxicology, University of Maastricht, Netherlands. Brain Behavior: “The influence of THC:CBD oromucosal spray on driving ability in patients … Read more