COVID-19 Supply Crunch Means More Testing Delays

Aug. 13, 2020 — The lack of supplies for doing enough COVID-19 diagnostic testing within a useful turnaround time will likely last and will continue to hamper the nation’s response to the pandemic, public health experts and health care professionals say. It will also likely begin to delay diagnostic testing for other conditions, they … Read more

Colleges Weigh How Best to Test for COVID

coronavirus college

Ravina Kullar, PharmD, infectious disease expert. JAMA Network Open: “Assessment of SARS-CoV-2 Screening Strategies to Permit the Safe Reopening of College Campuses in the United States.” CDC: “Interim Considerations for Institutions of Higher Education Administrators for SARS-CoV-2 Testing.” University of Georgia: “Plans for Surveillance Testing and Notification.” News conference, Sarah Fortune, chair, Harvard Department … Read more

U.S. Surpasses 4 Million COVID-19 Cases

    July 24, 2020 — The U.S. has now reported more than 4 million confirmed cases of the coronavirus, according to data from Johns Hopkins University, nearly doubling the second-highest count of 2.2 million cases in Brazil. States in the South and West continue to report record-high numbers of cases, particularly around the Gulf … Read more

Rajasthan government issues fresh guidelines for Covid-19 testing, Aadhar becomes mandatory


Jaipur: Rajasthan Health Department has issued fresh guidelines for COVID-19 testing in the state. As per the new guidelines, it is now mandatory to submit Aadhar Card number in the RT-PCR App for the person being tested for coronavirus. If the person undergoing testing does not have an Aadhaar card (like small children), then one … Read more

Tamil Nadu reports over 6,785 Covid-19 positive cases in highest single-day spike


CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu‘s daily Covid-19 count touched 6,785 on Friday, the highest so far. However, testing too was at an all-time high with 63,182 people being tested, the State bulletin confirmed. This comes a day after the State reported an all-time high on Thursday with 6472 people testing positive for Covid-19. The death toll rose … Read more

Bihar sees record 1266 cases in a day while testing remains low


NEW DELHI: Bihar saw a record high of 1,266 fresh coronavirus cases on Sunday at a test positivity rate of over 13 percent, taking the tally of total cases to 16,305, amidst rising demands from political parties to defer the Bihar assembly elections due to the pandemic. Cases in Bihar are expected to rise further … Read more