Tens of thousands of women are on gynae waiting lists in NI
A review of gynae services in NI finds that more than 37,000 women are on hospital waiting lists. Source link
A review of gynae services in NI finds that more than 37,000 women are on hospital waiting lists. Source link
The rest of the UK is considered to be at low risk of the virus taking off. Source link
Charities say women are not getting the psychological help they need after losing their babies. Source link
Dominic Cummings has been speaking to MPs about the UK government’s handling of Covid-19. The former chief aide said Boris Johnson had initially dismissed Covid as a “scare story” and the UK had been too slow to lock down. Mr Johnson hit back at some of his allegations, insisting that the government’s priority had always … Read more
TUESDAY, Feb. 23, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Researchers have identified more than 140,000 viruses that live in the human gut, including half that were previously unknown. The number and variety of viruses found in more than 28,000 gut microbiome samples gathered from different parts of the world are surprisingly high, according to the study … Read more
Patients will receive the AstraZeneza vaccine from Monday, when 530,000 doses will be ready. Source link
A government adviser gave MPs his view during evidence on lessons learned from the pandemic. Source link
Image copyright Getty Images More than 100,000 pupils in Scotland are absent from school with attendance down to 84.5%, according to Scottish government figures. Data collected from local authorities shows that more than 15.5% pupils were off school last Friday. However, only 22,821 of the absences are recorded as “Covid-19 related”. The Scottish government said … Read more