Telangana’s health budget down ₹661 crore from last year

Telangana’s health budget down ₹661 crore from last year

Telangana’s Health, Medical, and Family Welfare Department’s budget outlay for the fiscal year 2024-25 saw a cutback compared to the previous year. The current budget stands at ₹ 11,500 crore, marking a decrease of ₹661 crore from the 2023-24 budget of ₹12,161 crore. While presenting the budget on Saturday, Finance Minister Bhatti Vikramarka Mallu acknowledged … Read more

Data | Five Southern States took off-Budget loans worth ₹2.34 lakh crore in FY21

Data | Five Southern States took off-Budget loans worth ₹2.34 lakh crore in FY21

While tabling the Budget a week ago, Telangana Finance Minister T. Harish Rao accused the Centre of “creating hurdles after hurdles” in the development of the State. He said that the State had resorted to off-Budget borrowings to complete irrigation projects in the shortest time but the Centre had imposed borrowing limits. This cut in … Read more