Income Tax Return: How to plan your taxes effectively to reduce tax liabilities. Check some popular ways

Income Tax Return: How to plan your taxes effectively to reduce tax liabilities. Check some popular ways

As an Indian taxpayer, it’s imperative to file your Income Tax Returns (ITR) annually. The ITR encompasses details of your annual income and the corresponding tax payable to the government for that year. Individuals continually seek effective methods to minimize their tax liabilities. Through prudent tax planning, you can achieve substantial long-term savings. Smart tax … Read more

Save 100% tax: Here is how you can pay zero tax on annual salary up to Rs 15 lakh

Save 100% tax: Here is how you can pay zero tax on annual salary up to Rs 15 lakh

The common perception is that individuals earning up to Rs 15 lakh annually cannot completely save on taxes. However, if planned wisely, one can pay zero tax even with a yearly income of Rs 15 lakh. In this article, we look at how to achieve that. Firstly, by utilising the basic exemption limit offered by … Read more