Recipe for unique mushk budiji aroma includes altitude and temperature: study

Recipe for unique mushk budiji aroma includes altitude and temperature: study

The Kashmir Himalaya is known for the cultivation of mushk budiji, an indigenous rice variety distinguished for its rich aroma and unique taste. Recently, scientists at the Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology (SKUAST), Srinagar, reported that altitude and temperature play an important role in the development of this aroma. In a study recently … Read more

Extreme heat at work can double stillbirth risk, India study finds

Extreme heat at work can double stillbirth risk, India study finds

About half of those who took part worked in jobs where they were exposed to high levels of heat, such as agriculture, brick kilns and salt flats. The others worked in cooler environments, such as schools and hospitals, although some workers were also exposed to very high levels of heat in those jobs too. Source … Read more

Test-Taking Tips (for Teens)

Test-Taking Tips (for Teens)

Larger text size Large text size Regular text size Do you sweat, chew your pencil, and feel butterflies in your stomach as your teacher hands out a test? A lot of people (adults included) get freaked out when it’s time to take a test. It’s natural to feel some stress about taking tests. In fact, … Read more

AI tools may help detect health care-associated infections, study finds – ET HealthWorld

AI tools may help detect health care-associated infections, study finds – ET HealthWorld

New Delhi: Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies can accurately identify cases of health care-associated infections (HAI) even in complex clinical scenarios, a study has found. The study, published in the American Journal of Infection Control, highlights the need for clear and consistent language when using AI tools for this purpose. The findings also illustrate the potential … Read more

More people in early 20s out of work from ill health than early 40s – study

More people in early 20s out of work from ill health than early 40s – study

Off the back of the study the Resolution Foundation, which campaigns for better living standards for those on low and middle incomes, is calling for better mental health support in colleges and sixth forms, and for more to be done to make it so that less young people leave compulsory education with low qualification levels. … Read more

57.2% of 25,000 student aspirants who want to go abroad hail from Tier 2, 3 towns: study 

57.2% of 25,000 student aspirants who want to go abroad hail from Tier 2, 3 towns: study 

A majority of students who aspire to study abroad hail from Tier 2 and 3 cities, a pan-India study of 25,000 aspirational students by edtech start-up upGrad Abroad indicates.  “We are seeing rising interest from students hailing from cities like Thiruvananthapurm and Kottayam down south, Vadodara and Surat in the west, Lucknow in the north … Read more