No force can stop me, says Rahul Gandhi ahead of Hathras visit, Priyanka calls UP govt morally corrupt

rahul priyanka protest

Congress leaders Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi will once again attempt to visit Hathras to meet the family of the rape victim. Ahead of the visit, Rahul Gandhi has said “no force can stop me” while Priyanka Gandhi has slammed the UP government and called it “morally corrupt”. In a tweet, Rahul Gandhi said on … Read more

Can Plexiglass Stop COVID?

Michael Fischman, MD, consulting doctor in occupational and environmental medicine and toxicology, Walnut Creek, CA; clinical professor of medicine, University of California, San Francisco. Denise Bender, assistant director, occupational safety and health, environmental health and safety department, University of Washington, Seattle. University of Washington: “University of Washington Guidance for Plexiglass Barriers in Support of Covid-19 … Read more

Parents Can Stop Pandemic Cyberbullying

WEDNESDAY, Sept. 2, 2020 (HealthDay News) — Cyberbullying is less common among teens who feel loved and supported by their parents, new research shows. The findings could be especially relevant during the coronavirus pandemic, say a team from New York University. “With remote learning replacing classroom instruction for many young people, and cellphones and social … Read more