Squash Spotted Lanternflies On Sight, Experts Urge

Squash Spotted Lanternflies On Sight, Experts Urge

Aug. 25, 2022 – If you see one, squash it. Stomp on it until it’s dead. This is the advice agricultural organizations across the Northeast United States are giving when it comes to the spotted lanternfly, an invasive species that has spread rapidly across the country, including into dense urban centers like Philadelphia and New … Read more

Having a purpose helped me get through the lockdown: Saurav Ghosal


The lockdown was a tough time for Saurav Ghosal too. But the senior squash player didn’t have any apprehensions about how his career would unfold in the post-pandemic world. What helped the world No. 13 get through the difficult time was his intent to improve his game and a purpose to move up the world … Read more