Main drivers of growth in Q2 and Q3 likely to be domestic: Saugata Bhattacharya

Main drivers of growth in Q2 and Q3 likely to be domestic: Saugata Bhattacharya

Saugata Bhattacharya, Chief Economist, Axis Bank, says “manufacturing, if it actually stalls, in addition to the agricultural uncertainty, given the low rains that we have seen in August, might actually pull GDP growth even lower than the 6.2% that we have been expecting and forecasting for Q2. That is likely to pull down overall annual … Read more

Robust Q1 earnings could brighten growth picture, says Axis Bank chief economist


NEW DELHI: The million-dollar question on every Indian economist’s mind is when the country shall return on a path of sustainable growth after the deep scars left by the COVID-19 crisis. Saugata Bhattacharya, chief economist at Axis Bank, and a veteran when it comes to analysing the vicissitudes of economic cycles, believes that the proverbial … Read more