Omicron more likely to cause upper airway infections among children: Study

Omicron more likely to cause upper airway infections among children: Study

Omicron is more likely than other coronavirus variants to cause upper airway infection (UAI) among children, putting them at risk of heart attack and other severe complications, according to a study. The researchers from the University of Colorado, Northwestern University, and Stony Brook University in the US analysed data from the National COVID Cohort Collaborative … Read more

Covid among kids: Health experts say no need to panic

Covid among kids: Health experts say no need to panic

Amid concerns over children getting infected with coronavirus as schools reopened, health experts said there was no need to panic they mostly have mild illnesses and recover with just symptomatic treatment. They, however, stressed that the children who are eligible to get vaccinated against Covid must get the jab. The health experts said consistent and … Read more

Even mild COVID-19 may impair fertility in men: IIT-B study

Even mild COVID-19 may impair fertility in men: IIT-B study

Even mild or moderate COVID-19 illness could change the level of proteins related to male reproductive function that may impair fertility, according to a small study led by researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay. The research, published last week in the journal ACS Omega, analysed protein levels in semen of men who … Read more

New antibody helps block Covid transmission in cells: Study

New antibody helps block Covid transmission in cells: Study

The antibody, FuG1, targets the enzyme furin, which the virus uses for its efficient chain of infections in human cells. Researchers have engineered a novel antibody that can directly interfere with and block the cell-to-cell transmission ability of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The antibody, FuG1, targets the enzyme furin, which the virus uses … Read more

New low-cost coating for fabrics can kill Covid virus: Study

coronavirus pandemic

The coating, described in the journal ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, may be used in future to develop an antiviral spray for fabrics. Scientists in the US have developed an inexpensive, non-toxic coating for almost any fabric that decreases the infectivity of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, by up to 90 per cent. The … Read more

Omicron now dominant variant of SARS-CoV-2 in country: Govt

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The Omicron variant has significantly increased transmissibility as compared to the Delta variant Omicron variant is the dominant variant of SARS-CoV-2 in the country at present, Minister of State for Health Bharati Pravin Pawar informed Lok Sabha on Friday. According to the World Health Organization, the Omicron variant has significantly increased transmissibility as compared to … Read more

Is ‘Deltacron’ a newly found Covid variant? Here’s what WHO thinks


WHO technical lead of Covid-19, Dr Maria Van Kerkhove said that ‘Deltacron’ could be a result of “contamination” that might have occurred during the sequencing process. The never-ending list of Covid variants, including the Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and of course, Omicron, have caused enough global damage during the on-going pandemic. The damage is not … Read more

Omicron can evade protection offered by Covid vaccines, antibody therapies: Study

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The study, published in the journal Nature on Thursday, also highlights the need for new vaccines and treatments that anticipate how the SARS-CoV-2 virus may soon evolve. Omicron can evade the immune protection conferred by COVID-19 vaccines and natural infection, according to a peer-reviewed study which also suggests that the new variant of coronavirus is … Read more

Omicron may not be the final variant, but it may be the final variant of concern


It is controversial whether viruses are alive, but – like all living things – they do evolve. This fact has become abundantly clear during the pandemic, as new variants of concern have emerged every few months. Some of these variants have been better at spreading from person to person, eventually becoming dominant as they out-compete … Read more

Omicron infects 70 times faster but may cause less severe disease: Study

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The researchers from University of Hong Kong found that Omicron infects and multiplies 70 times faster than the Delta variant and original SARS-CoV-2 in human bronchus, which may explain why it may transmit faster between humans than previous variants. The Omicron variant of coronavirus infects and multiplies 70 times faster than Delta and the original … Read more