I want to clear two personal loans and secure home loan within 6 months on Rs 59K monthly salary. How should I plan?

I want to clear two personal loans and secure home loan within 6 months on Rs 59K monthly salary. How should I plan?

My name is Veer, and I work in the private sector, earning Rs 59,000 in hand, and have two personal loans of Rs 3.6 lakh pending, with EMIs of Rs 9,200 till January 2028, and another with EMI of Rs 5,500 for two years more. I am planning to switch jobs in two months and … Read more

Supreme Court upholds notification amending employees pension scheme as ‘legal and valid’

Supreme Court upholds notification amending employees pension scheme as ‘legal and valid’

The dispute primarily concerned the controversial amendments made to paragraph 11 of the Employees Pension Scheme (EPS) of 1995. The dispute primarily concerned the controversial amendments made to paragraph 11 of the Employees Pension Scheme (EPS) of 1995. The Supreme Court on Friday, November 4, 2022, upheld the Employees’ Pension (Amendment) Scheme, 2014 as “legal … Read more

EPF rate cut will force India’s salaried class to rework their retirement math

EPF rate cut will force India’s salaried class to rework their retirement math

The reduction in interest rate on employee provident fund deposits underlines the need for the salaried class to start retirement planning early in the career and consider a diversified portfolio to invest their savings, say experts. “The magic of compounding works wonders in terms of quantum of savings and helps limit (to some extent) the … Read more