Explained | India has signed the Artemis Accords. What is at stake?

Explained | India has signed the Artemis Accords. What is at stake?

On June 21, 2023, India’s Ambassador to the U.S., Taranjit Sandhu, leaned over a table at Washington, D.C.’s historic Willard Hotel to sign the document confirming India’s acceptance of the Artemis Accords. It was a relatively modest event amid a pageantry-filled state visit that has seen a slew of deals on technological cooperation. Like those … Read more

Russia launches rescue ship to space station after leaks

Russia launches rescue ship to space station after leaks

Roscosmos cosmonaut Sergey Prokopyev conducts a spacewalk with cosmonaut Dmitry Petelin outside the International Space Station in November 2022. | Photo Credit: Reuters Russia launched a rescue ship on February 24 for two cosmonauts and a NASA astronaut whose original ride home sprang a dangerous leak while parked at the International Space Station. The new, … Read more

International Space Station to crash over India? NASA responds to Russian space agency chief’s Twitter tirade

International Space Station to crash over India? NASA responds to Russian space agency chief’s Twitter tirade

NASA, however, shrugged off Rogozin’s comments that US sanctions on Moscow over Ukraine could “destroy” the two countries’ teamwork on the ISS. Amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the chief of Moscow’s space programme has warned that sanctions imposed on the country could lead to the International Space Station (ISS) losing orbit and crashing. Roscosmos Director-General … Read more

Russia’s Nauka module set to integrate with International Space Station this week: What we know so far

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‘Nauka’ is the Russian word for ‘Science’ and it is the biggest space lab sent by the country to outer space so far. Russia’s Nauka module: On the International Space Station was a Russian module called Pirs that was used by spacecraft as a docking port as well as by cosmonauts going for a spacewalk … Read more