IISc scientists develop tiny robots that can deep clean teeth

IISc scientists develop tiny robots that can deep clean teeth

Nano-sized robots manipulated using a magnetic field can help kill bacteria deep inside the teeth, and boost the success of root canal treatments, according to a study by researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bengaluru. Root canal treatments are routinely carried out to treat tooth infections in millions of patients. The procedure involves … Read more

Scientists Are Working on How to Grow Replacement Teeth

Scientists Are Working on How to Grow Replacement Teeth

April 28, 2022 – What if cavities or cracked or broken teeth could be repaired without dental fillings? Unlike many other types of human tissue, dental enamel, the outer layer of teeth, doesn’t regrow once it’s damaged. Dentists have to repair cavities and damaged enamel with synthetic materials like ceramics, metals, and resins. But scientists … Read more