Discovery of second mysterious radio signal from space raises more questions

Discovery of second mysterious radio signal from space raises more questions

The detection of the Fast Radio Burst, termed FRB 20190520B, has raised important questions about the source and origin of these signals. The researchers published their findings in a paper in Nature. The paper said the source of FRB 20190520B was “co-located with a compact, persistent radio source and associated with a dwarf host galaxy of high specific-star-formation”. … Read more

Aliens contacting humans? Researchers observed bright radio signals thrice in an hour, and then this happened

Transient ICRAR

The study was published in the journal Nature earlier this week. Radio signals from alien objects: Something unusual has been observed in the Universe by a team that was mapping radio waves. Now, I know that space is full of mysterious objects and unusual phenomena are really common there, but this is unlike anything astronomers … Read more