Liberty University Orders Campus-Wide Quarantine for COVID-19

Aug. 30, 2021 — Liberty University in Virginia announced a temporary campus-wide quarantine due to a spike in COVID-19 cases among students and staff. The quarantine began Monday and is scheduled to end on Sept. 10, according to The Associated Press. The university has about 15,000 students and 5,000 faculty and staff on campus. … Read more

Those in home quarantine to get oximeters for free usage – ET HealthWorld

those in home quarantine to get oximeters for free usage

Kochi: After taking initiatives during the Covid first wave to protect healthcare workers (HCWs) , now IMA, through its “I Safe” project, is reaching out to those in home quarantine. To begin with, it has been decided to loan oximeters to those in home quarantine for free. During the peak of the second wave, there … Read more

Covid-19: Amber list quarantine for fully vaccinated to end on 19 July

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The Foreign Office, which issues travel advice that is independent from the government’s traffic light system, is stressing that not all amber countries will be approved for international travel on 19 July. However, it has updated its approved list and it now has several amber list countries including France, Greece, Morocco, Switzerland, the US, Jamaica … Read more

CDC Says Schools Can Safely Reopen, But Will They?

Leila Kubesch, Spanish teacher, Norwood High School, Cincinnati, OH. Andrea Wader, parent; president, John C. Fremont Elementary PTA, Long Beach, CA. Jennifer Nuzzo, DrPH, senior scholar, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security; associate professor of epidemiology, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore. Craig Broeren, superintendent, Wisconsin Rapids Public Schools, Wood County, WI. … Read more

COVID Quarantines Not Necessary for Vaccinated People

THURSDAY, Feb. 11, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Fully vaccinated Americans can now skip quarantines if they are exposed to someone infected with COVID-19, new federal guidelines say. “Fully vaccinated persons who meet criteria will no longer be required to quarantine following an exposure to someone with COVID-19,” the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and … Read more