Lack of enough govt. land, high rate of private land prevented 3-acre land allotment to Dalits: Harish Rao

Lack of enough govt. land, high rate of private land prevented 3-acre land allotment to Dalits: Harish Rao

BRS leader and Minister T. Harish Rao at an MRPS meeting in Hyderabad on Sunday. | Photo Credit: By Arrangement hyderabad The Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) government could not implement the promise of 3 acres of land to every Dalit family due to the non-availability of sufficient government land and high rates of private land, … Read more

Whorlton Hall verdicts: Can further scandals be prevented?

Whorlton Hall verdicts: Can further scandals be prevented?

The court case was the result of a 2019 undercover Panorama investigation into Whorlton Hall. It showed staff mocking and taunting patients. I remember tears running down my cheeks as I watched the secretly filmed footage. It reminded me of a similar investigation, also by Panorama and nearly a decade earlier, that exposed the abuse … Read more