Literature on Coloniality motivated me to examine the journey of contemporary Constitutionalism: J Sai Deepak, author

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Notably, ‘India, That is Bharat’ is already undergoing a fifth print run of 10,000 copies and ranks consistently in the top 50 Nielsen titles, top 100 books on Amazon  and No 1 in the political categories,, the Hindi and Telugu translations are also being rolled out. J Sai Deepak’s book titled, ‘India, That is Bharat: … Read more

View: Only a sustained project of strengthening democracy can prevent incidents like Hathras


How do we account for frequent rapes, especially of Dalit women, and callous, often criminal, police response to the rapes, leading to impunity rather than punishment of rapists, in our democracy where people vote to elect governments and hold them accountable? Caste and patriarchy are readily blamed for the phenomenon. After 70 years of working … Read more