Report finds Boris Johnson deliberately misled Parliament over ‘partygate’ during COVID lockdown

Report finds Boris Johnson deliberately misled Parliament over ‘partygate’ during COVID lockdown

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson described the House of Commons Privileges Committee as a “kangaroo court” that conducted a “witch hunt” to drive him out of Parliament. File | Photo Credit: AP Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson deliberately misled Parliament about the lockdown-flouting parties that undermined his credibility and contributed to his downfall, a … Read more

UK PM Boris Johnson scrapes win in party confidence vote over ‘partygate’

UK PM Boris Johnson scrapes win in party confidence vote over ‘partygate’

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson survived a confidence vote on Monday but a large rebellion in his Conservative Party over the so-called “partygate” scandal dealt a blow to his authority and leaves him with a struggle to win back support. Johnson, who scored a sweeping election victory in 2019, has been under increasing pressure after … Read more