U.S., Japan, Philippines agree to strengthen security ties amid tensions over China, North Korea

U.S., Japan, Philippines agree to strengthen security ties amid tensions over China, North Korea

File photo of members of the Philippine Coast Guard taking part in a simulation during a trilateral maritime exercise with Japan and U.S. Coast Guard | Photo Credit: Getty Images The National Security Advisers of the United States, Japan and the Philippines held their first joint talks on June 16 and agreed to strengthen their defence … Read more

Japan keeps missile defence alert after North Korea deadline expires

Japan keeps missile defence alert after North Korea deadline expires

Officials of Ishigaki city, Okinawa prefecture, in Japan gather at the city hall in response to a missile alert on May 31, 2023. | Photo Credit: AP Japan extended its alert on ballistic missile defences on June 11 despite the expiration of North Korea’s deadline for launching a satellite had passed. Japan put its ballistic … Read more

North Korea says it fired ICBM as warning to U.S., Seoul

North Korea says it fired ICBM as warning to U.S., Seoul

North Korean government says this was a test launch of a Hwasong-15 intercontinental ballistic missile at Pyongyang International Airport on February 18, 2023. North Korea said on February 19 it had test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) as a warning to Washington and Seoul, saying the successful “surprise” drill demonstrated Pyongyang’s “capacity of fatal nuclear … Read more

Morning Digest | November 4, 2022

Morning Digest | November 4, 2022

Netanyahu makes comeback as Israel’s PM, Lapid concedes defeat Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has won this week’s Israeli election, final results showed Thursday, clearing the way for him to return to power. Mr. Netanyahu expected to form the country’s most right-wing government in history when he takes power, likely in the coming weeks. Prime … Read more

U.S., South Korea warn Pyongyang against nuclear weapons use

U.S., South Korea warn Pyongyang against nuclear weapons use

North Korea has launched more than two dozen missiles over the last two days in response to U.S.-South Korean military exercises North Korea has launched more than two dozen missiles over the last two days in response to U.S.-South Korean military exercises The U.S. and South Korea jointly warned North Korea on Thursday that use … Read more

North Korea fires missile over Japan, some residents warned to take cover

North Korea fires missile over Japan, some residents warned to take cover

The Japanese government warned citizens to take cover after its coast guard reported on a suspected missile launch by North Korea The Japanese government warned citizens to take cover after its coast guard reported on a suspected missile launch by North Korea North Korea fired a ballistic missile over Japan for the first time in five years … Read more