‘Market hit its lowest point… but midcaps’ returns’: Expert on midcap fund performance in last 5 years

‘Market hit its lowest point… but midcaps’ returns’: Expert on midcap fund performance in last 5 years

The Nifty Midcap 150 Index has experienced a decrease of nearly 20% from its highest point in the past 52 weeks. Up until the end of February, mid cap funds had an average loss of around 9.57%, with the Quant Mid Cap Fund showing the largest decline at 11.07% in the last month. Over the … Read more

12 equity mutual funds crossed Rs 1,000 NAV. Here is the performance – Funds in focus

12 equity mutual funds crossed Rs 1,000 NAV. Here is the performance – Funds in focus

Mar 07, 2024, 02:28:54 PM IST Around 12 equity mutual funds have crossed Rs 1,000 NAV, according to the data by ACE MF. Three flexi cap and mid cap, two ELSS, one aggressive hybrid, large & mid cap, large cap, and a thematic fund featured on the list. Here is how these equity mutual funds … Read more