Tata Quant Fund to merge with Tata Flexi Cap Fund: Should you stay invested if fund houses merge schemes?

Tata Quant Fund to merge with Tata Flexi Cap Fund: Should you stay invested if fund houses merge schemes?

Tata Mutual Fund has announced the merger of Tata Quant Fund into Tata Flexi Cap Fund, scheduled to take effect on March 21, 2025. Following this merger, Tata Quant Fund will be dissolved, and its unitholders will seamlessly transition to being part of Tata Flexi Cap Fund.  Investors who do not support the merger have … Read more

Debt Funds vs Fixed deposits: Is it wise to go for mutual funds after RBI’s rate cut?

Debt Funds vs Fixed deposits: Is it wise to go for mutual funds after RBI’s rate cut?

During the recent monetary policy review meeting held between February 5 and 7, 2025, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) made the decision to reduce the policy repo rate from 6.50% to 6.25%. This marks a change after maintaining the rate unchanged for eleven consecutive meetings, which is about five years. The new Governor, Sanjay … Read more

ETFs vs Mutual Funds: Which is the best market-beating strategy in current times?

ETFs vs Mutual Funds: Which is the best market-beating strategy in current times?

There has been a buzz about investing in ETFs. I want to invest Rs 2-3 lakhs in the markets now. Should I go for stocks, ETFs or traditional mutual funds? Please guide. Samantha D., Kolkata Reply by Amar Ranu, Head – Investment Products & Insights, Anand Rathi Shares and Stock Brokers An exchange-traded fund (ETF) is … Read more

As a senior citizen, is it safe to invest in thematic mutual funds, NFOs? Can you elaborate on the risk factors?

As a senior citizen, is it safe to invest in thematic mutual funds, NFOs? Can you elaborate on the risk factors?

I am 72 year old and I stay in Delhi. Should I invest in thematic mutual funds? Like infra funds, defence funds. I see a lot of new fund offers (NFOs) being launched every week? Can you guide me? Name withheld on request. Response by Atul Shinghal, Founder & CEO, Scripbox A 72-year-old investor might be seeking regular … Read more

Unconventional market signals: Unveiling special opportunities in investing for superior returns

Unconventional market signals: Unveiling special opportunities in investing for superior returns

In the intricate world of investing, where fortunes are made and lost on a daily basis, astute investors understand that hidden gems often lie beneath the surface. These overlooked opportunities, often overshadowed by noise and chaos in the market. These opportunities have the potential to unlock substantial wealth for those who delve to explore this … Read more

Thomas Schneeweis on 9 things to look at before investing in hedge funds

Thomas Schneeweis on 9 things to look at before investing in hedge funds

Eminent fund manager Thomas Schneeweis says focusing on past performance is the first and biggest mistake investors make when it comes to asset allocation. According to Schneeweis, investors should be rather focused on risk instead of returns. “Much of the past, though interesting, may have very little relevance to what we do today,” he said.” … Read more