I am putting Rs 10,000 in SIP and expecting a return of 12% per annum. Is it enough as my retirement fund? 

I am putting Rs 10,000 in SIP and expecting a return of 12% per annum. Is it enough as my retirement fund? 

Query: I strongly believe in the benefits of SIP and SWP. Currently, I am investing Rs 10,000 per month and expecting a return of 12% per annum. My plan is to continue this investment for the next 20 years, with an annual increase of 10%. I am 40 years old and am considering this approach … Read more

PSU mutual funds are losing steam. Do I withdraw my investment now or should I wait? 

PSU mutual funds are losing steam. Do I withdraw my investment now or should I wait? 

PSU mutual funds are losing steam. Do I withdraw my investment now or should I wait? Are PSU funds going to provide low returns in the near future, or are they likely to rebound? What is the current outlook for these funds? Manorajan Das, Gurgaon Reply by Shweta Rajani, Head – Mutual Funds, Anand Rathi Wealth … Read more

Long and short of markets: Is ‘mutual funds sahi hai’ slogan losing shine & other top reads

Long and short of markets: Is ‘mutual funds sahi hai’ slogan losing shine & other top reads

Looking at the dismal returns of actively managed equity funds at a time when the market is at a record high, one can’t help but recall the wisdom of the legendry American investor John C Bogle, who once said, “Don’t look for the needle in the haystack. Just buy the haystack!” A plain vanilla index … Read more