How Dame Deborah James helped save a mum’s life

How Dame Deborah James helped save a mum’s life

A mother-of-three has shared how Deborah James helped save her life from bowel cancer. Lyndsey Ainscough, from Leigh in Greater Manchester, was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer after experiencing symptoms for a number of months. She told BBC Breakfast she sought medical attention after seeing bowel cancer campaigner Dame Deborah on TV. Mrs Ainscough was … Read more

Poor maternity care at Hull Royal Infirmary risked babies’ lives, say mums

Poor maternity care at Hull Royal Infirmary risked babies’ lives, say mums

Maternity services at Hull Royal Infirmary have recently been described in a damning report by the health watchdog as chaotic, unsafe and not fit for purpose. Three mothers, who claim staff missed signs of life-threatening conditions that could have killed them or their babies, have spoken to the BBC about their harrowing experiences at the … Read more