India, Egypt to push trade to $12 billion in next five years

India, Egypt to push trade to $12 billion in next five years

India and Egypt plan to push bilateral trade to $12 billion within the next five years. This was discussed during a meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the India unit of the Egyptian Cabinet led by its Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly in Cairo on Saturday, officials said. The volume of trade between the two … Read more

Greater Indian presence in the Suez region welcome: Israeli expert on PM Modi’s Egypt visit

Greater Indian presence in the Suez region welcome: Israeli expert on PM Modi’s Egypt visit

Image used for representational purpose only. | Photo Credit: AFP The presence of India in the Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZONE) would enhance India’s footprints in the Mediterranean region that will act as a positive influence, said a prominent advocate of India-Israel economic ties. The remarks from Anat Bernstein-Reich, head of the India-Israel Chamber of … Read more