Pakistan telecom operators block 3,500 SIMs of non-filers after-tax body order

Pakistan telecom operators block 3,500 SIMs of non-filers after-tax body order

Pakistan Telecom operators on Saturday blocked mobile phone SIMs of over 3,500 non-filers of the 5000 cards they had promised to the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) they would in line with its Income Tax General Order (ITGO) — a move aimed at compelling 506,671 individuals to place on record their returns for 2023, The … Read more

Software tool to diagnose Covid-19 lung infection – ET HealthWorld

software tool to diagnose covid 19 lung infection

BENGALURU: A team led by IISc researchers has developed a software tool that reveals the severity of lung infections in Covid-19 patients. Called AnamNet, the software tool can ‘read’ chest CT scans of potential Covid-19 patients and estimate the damage caused to the lungs by scanning for specific abnormal features. It can provide automated assistance … Read more