Japan announces successful launch of next-gen H3 rocket

Japan announces successful launch of next-gen H3 rocket

An H3 rocket lifts off at Tanegashima Space Center, in Kagoshima, southern Japan, on February 17, 2024. | Photo Credit: AP Japan’s space agency Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) announced the successful launch of its new flagship rocket on February 17, making it lucky, the third time, for the H3 after years of delays and … Read more

Japan launches an intelligence-gathering satellite to watch for North Korean missiles

Japan launches an intelligence-gathering satellite to watch for North Korean missiles

An H2A rocket is lifted from the launch pad at Tanegashima Space Center, in Kagoshima, southern Japan, on January 12, 2024. | Photo Credit: AP Japan launched a rocket carrying a government intelligence-gathering satellite on January 12 on a mission to watch movements at military sites in North Korea and improve responses to natural disasters. … Read more

Nissan, Renault launch ‘rebalanced’ alliance

Nissan, Renault launch ‘rebalanced’ alliance

French automaker Renault and Japanese partner Nissan officially launched their “rebalanced” alliance on Wednesday as they seek to reset a rocky 24-year-old partnership. The companies announced an agreement in February to put their partnership, which also includes Japanese automaker Mitsubishi, on an equal footing, with Renault giving up its dominant position. “After having obtained all … Read more

Renault cuts Nissan stake to 15% after transferring shares to trust

Renault cuts Nissan stake to 15% after transferring shares to trust

France’s Renault has cut its stake in Nissan to 15% from about 43% by placing 28.4% of the Japanese automaker in a French trust, the alliance partners said in a statement, putting them on equal footing of cross-ownership. The new agreement for the restructured alliance between Renault, Nissan and junior partner Mitsubishi Motors came into … Read more

Nissan ex-chair Carlos Ghosn set on restoring reputation


Carlos Ghosn, the former auto industry superstar whose career screeched to a halt with his arrest three years ago, isn’t about to settle into quiet retirement. The former head of the Nissan-Renault alliance fled to Lebanon in late 2019, while out on bail facing financial misconduct charges in Japan. In a recent interview with The … Read more