Uttarkashi tunnel collapse Live Updates | Vertical drilling at Silkyara completes 20 meters, 100-hour target set

Uttarkashi tunnel collapse Live Updates | Vertical drilling at Silkyara completes 20 meters, 100-hour target set

“This is Uttarakhand govt’s indolence and negligence,” Congress leader Yashpal Arya on Uttarkashi Tunnel rescue ops Uttarakhand Congress leader Yashpal Arya on Sunday lashed out at the Uttarakhand-led government over the ongoing Silkyara tunnel collapse rescue and said that the incident reveals the government’s “indolence and negligence.” Arya, the Leader of the Opposition in the … Read more

KCR lying about meters to farm pumpsets: Union Minister

KCR lying about meters to farm pumpsets: Union Minister

Union Minister for Power R.K. Singh has accused Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao of deliberately “spreading lies” about the Centre putting up meters for agriculture pump sets and privatising public sector power units. “The Chief Minister is going around and telling lies when the Centre said that meters should be fixed, but not for agriculture … Read more