Black MDs Shatter Stereotypes, Promote Diversity on Instagram

Black MDs Shatter Stereotypes, Promote Diversity on Instagram

Mar. 4, 2022 — Many applaud social media for connecting the world with the touch of a button. Others cite the opportunity to grow businesses without heavy marketing costs. But for a group of Black doctors, social media marks the chance to celebrate the ability to narrow racial disparities in medicine. “You’re a young adult … Read more

Dear Commissioner Hahn: Tell the Truth or Resign

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Note: This special editorial was written by Eric Topol,  MD, editor-in-chief of Medscape, as an open letter to FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn, MD. It first appeared on Medscape, WebMD’s site for health care professionals.  I’m writing because I’m gravely concerned about your leadership of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The circumstances of your statements … Read more